Adding Hosts and Hostgroups

Once you are logged in to ASYD, go to the "Server overview" section. There you will see the existing hosts and hostgroups, the hosts belonging to a hostgroup and the system status for your servers.

On the overview you can open the detail of the hosts or hostgroups, perform a reboot of a remote system, remove existing hosts and hostgroups or add new.

For adding a new server, click on the "Add host" button and a prompt will appear. There you need to provide a unique hostname, the server IP, the user for that host, the ssh port (if you configured a non-standard port), and the password for that user. ASYD then will add the ASYD ssh key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file of the target host for all the future access, thus the provided password won't be stored at all. Alternatively, you can leave the password field empty. Then ASYD will try to auth against the host using the SSH key created or provided at the setup.

Please note that if you are using a non-root user (like in the case of ubuntu or similar), you need to be sure that the user has admin privileges and the command "sudo" is installed. ASYD deploying system is non-interactive, so it will add bash <user> ALL=NOPASSWD:ALL to the /etc/sudoers file for avoiding password prompts.

After the new host it's added, it will start the monitoring deploy on the background. At this time the server will appear as "not monitored". When the monitoring setup has completed, opening the host detail will display you all the system information, the status reported by monit. It will also allow you to create new custom variables for the host.

For adding a new hostgroup, click on the "Add group" button, and a prompt will appear. There you need to provide a unique name for the new hostgroup.

After the new hostgroup it's created, you can open the detail of the group and add servers or custom variables to it. A single host can be included on several groups.